Frequently asked questions
Why Pro Formance CRE?
Speed and accuracy are key, you need to trust your materials are correct and get deals figured out as quickly as possible. We set out to make underwriting easily doable by anyone, enabling non-technical users to handle everything on their own and empowering technical users to work even faster and better communicate deal details. Your competition will be stuck handling their underwriting long after you are finished and preparing an offer.
Who needs Pro Formance CRE?
Anyone handling multifamily underwriting will benefit greatly from our suite of tools. We make the process fast and reliable so you can quickly figure out deals and get your offers in ahead of the competition.
How do I use Pro Formance CRE?
The program works alongside Excel. Microsoft makes it easy to access the add-in through AppSource and it shows up in Excel. In Excel, add-ins can usually be accessed from the Home tab towards the right end.
How do I get started?
We know you are busy and won’t waste any time! Request a demo and leave a note of your intentions and we will move as quickly as you need. We offer trial periods if you need some exposure before making a decision. We are confidant the time and headache you save will be noticeable, not to mention the advantages you gain from speed.
Do I need a specific pro forma?
Pro Formance CRE is made to be as customizable as possible, being able to be setup with any Excel financial models. We also have an in-house model that users can use if they need a model or simply want everything hooked up out of the box.
How hard is it to use your features?
Everything has been designed to be self-explanatory and to be laid out in a logical order. We include tooltips on features that are more complex in nature so the explanations are where you need them. We also include a user manual and can setup training sessions to guide users.
Do I have to share my documents?
Nope! None of your files or information leave your computer. We simply require a network connection for authentication and any future features that will leverage this connection.
What do terms like ‘project’ and ‘underwriting’ mean on this site?
We use ‘project’ to refer to a specific deal, whether that is 1 property or more. ‘Underwriting’ is used to refer to the general practice of analyzing the numbers for a project by getting the data out of financial documents and into a robust financial model (pro forma).
What can I do if I run into issues?
We have support ready to answer any issues and concerns you have. There is a link in the add-in to the Contact Us form. Let us know of any issues you have and we will tackle them as quickly as we are able.