Evaluate Multifamily Deals in Minutes

Whether you’re a broker, a lender, or an analyst, Pro Formance CRE lets you fully check project viability in under 10 minutes. We centralize and standardize the entire process into easily repeatable actions anyone can do.

Tools that ask little and do a lot

T-12 Operating Statement Processing

Integrates with and Empowers your favorite model

Document Processing

Waterfall Calculator

Customizable Templates

Snapshot Scenarios

Comparative Analysis


Grab Mode

Document Processing Waterfall Calculator Customizable Templates Snapshot Scenarios Comparative Analysis Multi-Rows Grab Mode

Faster than Back-of-the-Napkin

Traditional Multifamily underwriting takes time and technical skills. This leads to building queues of deals needing to be processed, potentially delaying your workflow by days.

We standardize the process and time required for everyone. Now you can find out project viability yourself in minutes, no technical skills required.

Minutes to underwrite

Higher quality than Excel alone

Pro Formance CRE is a bridge that helps you get the most out of any pro forma model. We provide a variety of tools to save you time, worry, and money as you move from deal to deal. There’s various sets of features at your disposal:

  • Multifamily - Process Rent Rolls and T-12 Income Statements in seconds and automate the placement of the data.

  • Analysis - Compare deal setups intelligently so you can find the optimal structure quickly, see your different projects side-by-side, and have a shareable, custom summary to make reviewing your projects easy.

  • Waterfall - Leverage the data already in your model to find optimal equity structures, ranging from simple to complex. Setup is simple and the calculation takes seconds.

  • General - Streamline data entry and make it easy to know what’s left and what’s been handled.

Eliminate inefficient workflows


Make the process of underwriting approachable for all, from computer-savvy analysts, to those who usually prefer to avoid computers. With Pro Formance CRE, the hardest and longest part of underwriting is simply filling in the property details.


Everything for Pro Formance CRE happens immediately on your own computer. No need to send anything to a separate website. The speed of underwriting is now just a matter of how quickly you can move through the steps.


Make reviewing projects simpler by having a singular, approachable place for all the aspects you care about. All you have to do is go down the list you made and be certain everything is handled. The goal is to make your direct interactions with Excel as few as possible